Use of Force and Passive Handcuffing Academic Certification Program
- Price
- $149
This is a a B.C. Animal Control Bylaw Officer specific program that includes Officer Safety, Situational Awareness. The certification is valid for 24 months. Once you finish this course, you will receive a certificate that you can frame and you will be a big step closer to provincial employment, if you're not there already.
This is a B.C. Animal Control Bylaw Officer specific program, that includes Officer Safety and Situational Awareness. The certification is valid for 24 months. Once you finish this course, you will receive a certificate that you can frame and you will be a big step closer to provincial employment, if you're not there already.
This is a B.C. specific Animal Control/Enforcement program for frontline officers. No previous experience is necessary.
This course covers core competency skills required to enforce Animal Control related legislation/laws in B.C.
Add Animal Control/Bylaw Enforcement Officer certification to your resume or stay current with best practices and laws relative to responding to aggressive dogs.
There is a time limit of 10 weeks for this course with one additional extension of 3 weeks at no charge.
Q. Does this course come with a certificate upon completion?
A. Yes, the certificate is emailed to you and is valid for up to two years.
Q. Is there a Provincial requirement to be trained and certified before I can become an officer?
A. According to legislation, no. According to due diligence and best practices, civil liability and legislation related to officer safety, yes absolutely. There is no, however, standardized method or system to train and certify officers in Canada.
Q. Doesn't the S.P.C.A. do this training?
A. Only for their own officers, and it isn't the same content as this as they have a different mandate than local officers generally speaking.
Q. Is this the same core content that I can take at a college that offers it?
A. Yes. We are subject matter experts (S.M.E.) in this area of training and in most cases, the content you see taught at a college was written by one of our S.M.E.'s
Q. Is the "bite stick and animal repellent spray" training included? Is it mandatory?
A. Yes, the academics is included online, and there is always an opportunity to complete the physical component via Zoom or similar means. (Previously this was done in person but due to Covid19 restrictions it is now done remotely.) No, it isn't mandatory to take the physical skills portion if you don't need that certification.
Q. Is this course "recognized" or accredited?
A. Any course is only as good as the credentials of the people who wrote it. If the author of any course is not a court recognized subject matter expert, then the course content can be challenged in court as just someone's opinion or methods. Recognition by any college/university or association etc means very little to a court if the course content cannot be vetted and validated as reasonable, legal and acceptable to them. (not what the course author's think is reasonable.)
For more information on the credentials of the author's of this course, click the "contact us" tab and we will be happy to send you the information.
When you choose to register, you will be directed to the checkout page. Once your payment has been received, you will receive an email with your course login information.
This program was written by Mike Burgess -Subject Matter Expert, President of M.D. Burgess And Associates Inc and vetted by Bonnie Isenberg, a B.C. Animal Control Supervisor and Subject Matter Expert in B.C.
NOTE: Materials are Copyright to M.D. Burgess And Associates Inc. Manuals and printable documents are registered ISBO documents in the Library of Canada and are re-printed with a paid tuition to the course. Burgess And Associates is an ISO 9001 complaint C.G.S.B. training company for security guards.
The author's of this course are court recognized Subject Matter Experts in the training of Animal Control and Bylaw Enforcement Officers in addition to other professions such as police officers.
The legal materials and opinions contained in this program are drawn from actual court cases and are not just the opinions of the authors.
Dog handling and control methods have been field tested for over 20 years by the authors and officers trained by them and have been found to be humane, legal and pass the "trial by social media" test for palatability.
For further information click the "contact us" tab and email us.