The Corporation of the Town of Cobourg - MLEO Parking Enforcement Officer
- Price
Please reach out for more information. This includes online academics and three days real time, hands on teaching in class.
Instructors are mentored by Subject Matter Experts in the field with over 20 years experience.
Full details can be obtained by contacting us for a complete course outline with Course Training Standards.
Please note that our instructor training courses will increase as of January 1, 2025 to $1,500.00 plus HST per person.
Recertification is required every 24 months and the recertification fee is $500.00.
The use of ChatGPT or Artificial Intelligence to answer questions or essays in this course is strictly prohibited and is considered cheating. This will result in an automatic failure on the assignments and it will be reported to your employer.
AI and ChatGPT are also forms of plagiarism and copyright infringement when used to pass qualifying courses and exams.
NOTE: Materials are Copyright to M.D. Burgess And Associates Inc. Manuals and printable documents are registered ISBO documents in the Library of Canada and are re-printed with a paid tuition to the course. Burgess And Associates is an ISO 9001 complaint C.G.S.B. training company for security guards, healthcare and a Vendor of Record for the training of Ontario municipal employees.
Train the Trainer Program - please ask for more details.
When you choose to register, you will be directed to the checkout page. Once your payment has been received, you will receive an email with your course login information.
Your instructor has 25 years experience in Violence Prevention and Violent Patient Management. He is a court recognized subject matter expert in Ontario.
Your in house trainers are/will be certified by Burgess And Associates to the highest level of due diligence.